การเลี้ยงสัตว์น้ำ (Aqua Farm)

Aqua Farm : Shrimp, fish, frog & turtle aquaculture farming

  • Control blooming of blue green algae and toxic planktons
  • Reduce Ammonia, Hydrogen Sulfide & Nitrite level
  • Natural & ecologically harmless method of maintains proper pond chemistry & environments for marine-life
  • Stabilize water pH by controlling blue green algae and toxic planktons especially Oscillatoria, Microcystis, Noctiluca.
  • Build up Phyto- & Zoo-planktons during pond preparation
  • Decrease death from Pathogen Microorganisms


Existing Problems:

–   Excessive ammonia, nitrate & Hydrogen sulfide levels

–   Disease, low oxygen level, poor water quality, reduced growth rates, stressful environment etc.

–   Excessive algae, scum, sludge etc.


Pond preparation (build up beneficial planktons) :

use:  1 kg / ha

Culture period 

1st month         :  use   0.30 kg / ha / week

2nd month        :   use  0.50 kg / ha / week

3rd –5th month  :   use  0.75 kg / ha / week

By mix  with water spread or put in bag hang in front of aerator in the morning

Control blooming of blue green algae or toxic planktons    OR

Reduce Ammonia, Hydrogen Sulfide & Nitrite level

1st day  : use  2 kg / ha

2nd day : use  1 kg / ha

Natural Water Treatment

Eliminate blue green algae and increase zoo plankton

